Attire, Behavior and Attendance


All dance genres have a standard attire. African dance is no different.

  • Wear the correct attire
    All dance genres have a standard attire. African dance is no different.

  • For class, you must wear a white, plain short-sleeved t-shirt or a tank top, and a pair of black yoga pants or workout pants. Do not wear tights. Please do not wear a shirt that has writing or any designs. You must have in-class attire by June 7, 2011. (The third class). If you come to class and you are not properly dressed, you will not be allowed to participate, and will be marked as tardy.
  • We don’t wear street shoes. African dance is performed barefoot, but you may wear flexible slippers with treads or dance shoes during the warm up. No socks (This is for your protection. If you wear socks, you may fall.)
  • Please do not wear jeans, long loose sweat pants or long, loose t-shirts. These types of clothes restrict or obscure your movements.


  • Once you’re on the dance floor, you must ask my permission to leave. We’ll have two long breaks so you can run to the bathroom or get water then. Do not bring food or drink to the dance floor.
  • Turn off cellphones or put them on vibrate. You can check messages during the breaks. If you leave the dance floor to answer the telephone, I’ll deduct 1 point from your final grade for each infraction.
  • Please refrain from name-calling, unnecessary teasing or profane language. We treat each other with respect in this class.


I take attendance into account when I assign roles in choreography.

  • If you don’t come to class regularly, you might not be in the dances.
  • If you miss class when I set choreography, you will not be in the dance.
  • If I have finished the choreography, and your attendance falls, I will take you out of the dance.

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