The Real Mandiani – also spelled Mendiani

The last dance we’re going to learn, Mandiani, has an interesting back story.
A Mandiani is the girl who is the best dancer in the village. When she reaches puberty, the Mandiani relinquishes her title and chooses her successor. Here’s an explanation from B. Michael Williams’ review of a recording by renowned percussionist, Mamady Keita.

Mendiani,” also known as “Mandiani” or “Manjani,”is a social dance of the Malinke people of Guinea
and Mali, West Africa. According to ethnomusicologist Eric Charry, “Mendiani” is “associated with young
girl dancers in upper Guinea (the region of Siguiri especially), primarily with the Maninka (known as Malinke in French colonial writing). This is the region usually cited as the source for the tradition, just as Kouroussa (not too far from Siguiri) is cited as the source for Dundunba. Ladji Camara has indicated
that one of the lead dancers in Les Ballets Africains of the 1950s was a Manjani (best pre-pubescent dancer in her village) when she was young.”

I’ve found a video of a traditional Mendiani dance. Please watch it and learn.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. jmia
    Mar 18, 2011 @ 22:02:36

    i love this dance plus we are going to preform this in june for graduatrion….. im so excited!!!!!


  2. Cheryl Samuel
    Jul 04, 2011 @ 11:05:57



    Sep 28, 2011 @ 21:18:49

    Looks Good.A lot of movement.


  4. ctb0501
    Nov 14, 2011 @ 16:50:01

    Can you give us a link to the Mamady Keita Manjani recording?


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